STUPIDITY:Some people are just fucking crazy, they have no clue about what they are and are just chasing down someone else’s dream since that dude painted a pretty picture in front of his creatively deprived mother fuckin eyes. Now all of them around him are fuckin goin crazy because this dude has no clue what his dream is and since he has a pea sized brain matter with fungus infected grey cells by the time his friend told him his dream he was half asleep and half bored. So now he has this lil distorted image of his dream in that vaccum filled skull of his, which he is cramming down every innocent bystander’s throats, they can’t swallow it nor can they spit it on his fucking face.
This is not the only problem these kinda people have a very short attention span. They have this very narrow vision of things too. They don’t try and understand people just jump into conclusions, like a guy is gay or someone is a slut. Man stop doin that you have no clue how many people are gunning for you in their minds. If only imagination was real you would die the most horrible death over and over again.
That’s why I say human stupidity never ceases to amaze me it would surpass human intelligence by miles. I say this because a scientist may attempt something say for a million times. A stupid guy on the other hand will make the same fucking mistake all his life and take pride in it.